Twin Districts Region MS


Electronic Engineering Technician

Electricity is an integral part of everyday life. Almost every new technological device needs some type of electrical supply. For this and many other reasons, Electrical Technicians are and will remain in great demand. From simply wiring a residence to being able to program the controllers for a major manufacturing plant, today's electrical technician will require a strong background of technical knowledge. Well trained electrical workers are in great demand by today's advancing technology and by the growing residential, commercial, industrial construction industries, petroleum production and petroleum refineries. Our program is designed to give you the knowledge necessary to succeed in the electrical field. Installing and maintaining electrical systems, as well as the ability to troubleshoot and repair these systems plays a vital role in keeping today's economy and national livelihood at the highest standard possible. Salaries begin at $28,000.00 and up to $95,000.00 depending on option taken, location, and job requirements.


Salary Range Potential: $68,000.00

Class Types:

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Electronics Engineering Technology [E/M]-Electronic Engineering Technician

Electronics Technology is an instructional program that prepares individuals to support electrical engineers and other professionals in the design, development, and testing of electrical circuits, devices, and systems. The program includes instruction in model and prototype development and testing; systems analysis and integration, including design and development of corrective and preventive maintenance techniques; application of engineering data; and the preparation of reports and test results.

Example of Class Types

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  Day and Night Classes:

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Pre-requisites required:
Pearl River Community College’s Electronic Technology Program is designed to accept students who have basic knowledge of science and mathematics. Instruction emphasizes theory, circuits, trouble-shooting, testing, digital principles, design basics, and motor and control devices. During the program of study, students may earn an Certified Electronic Technician (CET) and/or OSHA Certification.

Length of Program

Summary of Program Requirements
Pearl River Community College’s Electronic Technology Program is designed to accept students who have basic knowledge of science and mathematics. Instruction emphasizes theory, circuits, trouble-shooting, testing, digital principles, design basics, and motor and control devices. During the program of study, students may earn an Certified Electronic Technician (CET) and/or OSHA Certification.

Skills Needed
Pearl River Community College’s Electronic Technology Program is designed to accept students who have basic knowledge of science and mathematics. Instruction emphasizes theory, circuits, trouble-shooting, testing, digital principles, design basics, and motor and control devices. During the program of study, students may earn an Certified Electronic Technician (CET) and/or OSHA Certification.
Pearl River Community College
Forrest County Center Poplarville

David Collum - FCC